Sunday, December 13, 2009

day 6

online bank of america asks you three private questions only you would know but usually only asks one question at a time. this is after you enter your password. you enter your password after bank of america shows an image of you sitekey which you look at before entering your password which must have nothing to do with your sitekey. my sitekey is a lavender teakettle. alex's sitekey is a chocolate frosted donut with sprinkles. i don't know anyone else's sitekey yet but i should write that down as an idea for a scatterplot. i am never keeping up with my scatterplots. the three private questions only i would know that bank of america asks me are one, what is the name of your first pet? the name of my first pet is pansy. pansy was a hamster named after the flower. i was big into hamsters for a while. i think its the cheeks, the mechanical stuffing of their cheeks with the little hamster paws. like winter could be coming anytime. hamsters would be great with their gym memberships. pansy died, obviously. two, what is the name of your first boyfriend/girlfriend? sometimes i get this one wrong because i write scott chappell but its really just scott at bank of america online. scott chappel was my first boyfriend and we started going out in mrs. davis's 5th grade class. following months of emotional footsie torture i wrote scoot chappel a note. the note said do you like me: circle yes or no. scott chappel took the note overnight and wrote maybe in the middle of the note and circled that and then erased the maybe and circled the yes but i could still see the pencil marks, obviously. scott chappell was a smart kid. in highschool he played football and for some reason knew how to juggle and ride a unicycle. i think he went to duke, some relation to the military, i don't know. scott chappell's mother had one eye that was always winking, some kind of surgery that went wrong made one eye smaller than the other but in a really kind way. three, what is your father's middle name? this is the one it asked me today. my father's middle name is wayne. i think thats a great middle name. i used to be obsessed with middle names. today i thought of how john wayne hated indians and the movie quiet man. i love that movie, moslty the old man at the end.

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