Monday, August 4, 2014

There is no nothing.

There is no nothing.

Or everything is nothing   (in the same way)

Here I stand,

wavering between the two.

Monday, March 24, 2014

two girls sitting

"but so YOU think it was too much egg... or that's HOW you would die from something LIKE that...

"Hello" (guy)

"Hello" (Sarah Silverman)

"This is my friend Sarah"

"Hi Sarah"

"My name's Sarah Silverman"


Sunday, March 23, 2014

I just feel like I can't see know?

Like, I can only see everything OBJECTIVELY, you know?

Like, I see everything as it is for everyone but me, you know?

I'm just so SENSITIVE to all these FEELINGS and INTERACTIONS

and I'm just, like, trying to CLARIFY them for other PEOPLE constantly... you know?

Hello...? Are you there? HELLO!?!