Saturday, December 26, 2009

day 10

this girl whose real name i wont say, i'l just call her madeline retard ( thats re-taaa-rd not reeee-tard). she works at the place where some art was at and i came to pick up some art. she had a friend there and she talked energetically to him in front of me. i felt like she was talking to me but she wasn't looking at me. at one point she said "so much for keeping it on the D L... her voice lilting at the end of the seductively held long L, it was by no means a subtle introduction to whatever it was she intended to follow it with. Her friend however (a gay man wearing a vest and seemingly obsessed with pretty people) butted in, turning the subject towards something more directly focused near the center of our akward encounter ven diagram. unbeknownst to my observation at the time, madeline retahrd was having none of the segue attepting behavior of her beanie-adorned friend. no less than six minutes passed before madeline retahrd cleared her throat, "so much for keeping it on the DL!. she said, this time only louder," chanel tagged a photo of me and julio at plume" ohh, i guess she wanted me to know that she and julio were dating. why did she want me to know that julio and her were dating? the odd thing abut this story is that i assume she used the phrase "so much for keeping it on the dl" to psychologicaly manipulate me into telling more people she was dating julio. haha i thought, you idiot, this is so obvious. but thing is, it was SO obvious and because she repeated the "so much for the dl" phrase not once but TWICE, and because she wanted ME to tell people about her love life, I have been repeating and repeating this story. i feel largely responsible for knowledge of her new relationship. in some ways, really in all ways, i dd exactly what i assumed she wanted me to do. who wins?

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