Thursday, January 7, 2010

the clerk

the clerk stands up. sits down. the clerk stands up. stands up. the clerk sits down. the clerk goes to the window and pulls out a cigarette. the clerk drops the cigarette out an open window. lafrica has mud on her boots where its rained. lafrica has mud on her boots and is tired. lafrica is walking. looks down at the mud on her boots, sees a cigarette. lafrica smokes. jerry says cigarette smoke is a dying breed. jerry makes the mashed potatos. cliff thinks its sad, he could never own a boa. he couldn't fed it the mice, he says, he just couldn't. we've been eating too much corn, i told her. our resources, are shit. oh stephen hawking, why wont you tell me the weather report? even kool-aid is made with corn. i want it to be the 4th of july, i want to be seven and someone throwing candy from the float, yes, a parade. max has got his tonsils stuck between his ears again. says he cant hear anything. says he needs the sleep. oh, sleep you change my mind so often, you drop me off of buildings. they put a hole in the first stomach of the cow, enough to reach your hand in, dr. enough to make you sick, dr.?

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